Category Archives: Mindset

How important are Soft Skills…?

What skills do Accountants need? An article in the current ICAS magazine refers to a recent LinkedIn survey which suggests that “soft” skills are the most in-demand attributes in the job market. Good communication tops the annual list of qualities that recruiters are seeking. What are so called “soft” skills? We agree that “soft” skills […]

Accounting Firms can find a better way than just compliance

I took over my father’s Accounting firm after he had suffered a stroke at age sixty, just as he was heading into retirement. I found myself sitting in his chair, in his office, dealing with the same clients, the same office politics, chasing the same low fees, and thinking…..there must be a better way. Why […]

Top 10 tips for dealing with HMRC enquiries

Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) enquiries – which can be carried out on businesses and individuals – can be very stressful, time-consuming and costly for clients. It’s therefore vitally important that a professional accountant offers valuable guidance throughout the whole process to ensure clients achieve the best possible outcome with HMRC. Always check the […]

How do I free up more time in my accountancy firm?

Free up time

When you’re overwhelmed by the daily work and responsibilities of running a firm, you find yourself thinking “If I only had more hours in the day”. How do I free up more time in my accountancy firm? It’s natural to feel that way when you’re head down in the work. But it’s possible you don’t […]

Investing in yourself and your people is key to your success

Like any type of investment, putting time, money, and energy into an employee’s development can be anxiety inducing: will my investment  pay off? Am I making the right decision, for me and for them?    You might even feel so overwhelmed with the daily challenges in your business that you don’t have time to worry […]

You are only ever one thought away from happiness

The most stressful month in the calendar for Accountants has now passed.   It is time to take stock so that it doesn’t have to be that way again in the future.   The stressed accountant   A major piece of research published in 2022 by caba, an ICAEW charity, found that more than half […]

How can I motivate my employees?

After speaking at the Accountingweb LIVE event in December 2021 I was asked to write a few words regarding the observations I made, about what is important to employees and how it can help employers to motivate their people by understanding Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who in 1943 published […]

Happiness is an Inside Job

Mental Health and Employee Wellness

I was delighted to have the opportunity to be a speaker on Mental Health and Employee Wellness at the recent Accountex London event in May 2022 and indeed before that at Accountingweb LIVE  back in December 2021.   This is a subject that is important to me and I will shortly explain why, but in truth […]

The best tool to help you build a successful and fulfilling business is your mind

Accountex is a fantastic opportunity to hear lots of perspectives on running your accounting firm better. To learn how to leverage technology, increase productivity, hone your systems. But how often are you considering your mental wellbeing as a system for a stronger, more powerful business?   Self care isn’t just a zeitgeisty buzzword, it’s good […]