Category Archives: Mission

Offshoring – more details

In my previous blog I spoke about the difference between Offshoring versus Outsourcing. I explained that Offshoring is equivalent to hiring overseas team members with you selecting from a bigger pool of suitably qualified candidates. This is with much reduced employment risks as you are not directly the employer. In this blog I’d like to […]

Overcoming the challenge of finding and retaining staff

Is it proving a challenge to find and retain good accounting staff? Are you seeing salary costs for accounting staff rise? Are some or all of your team already working remotely? Like us you may have tried outsourcing previously, but are you familiar with the difference between Offshoring versus Outsourcing? Offshoring versus Outsourcing I confess […]

Fee protection insurance: should quality come before cost?

If Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) comes knocking, fee protection insurance protects businesses and their advisers against the cost of being investigated. Dominic Preist, head of tax sales at our partners Markel UK, explains how valuable fee protection insurance can be and when it’s worth paying more for quality cover. 1 – How does […]

Why do small businesses need HR support?

Running a small business can be both demanding and rewarding. From the early days of being a brand-new start-up through to running a thriving well-established business, managing people will always be part and parcel of being a business owner. Whether you have a team of 2 or 20, it is important to get the people […]

You are only ever one thought away from happiness

The most stressful month in the calendar for Accountants has now passed.   It is time to take stock so that it doesn’t have to be that way again in the future.   The stressed accountant   A major piece of research published in 2022 by caba, an ICAEW charity, found that more than half […]

Our mission: Why does the Armadillo Academy exist?

I was asked at an Accounting event recently why are Armadillo here? What’s our mission.   I missed the emphasis and gave the best sales pitch I could muster, something partly rehearsed, partly tailored to the questioner. Taking Gordon’s advice, I pictured answering this very question before arriving at the venue; answering well, with a […]