Tag Archives: wellbeing

Why do small businesses need HR support?

Running a small business can be both demanding and rewarding. From the early days of being a brand-new start-up through to running a thriving well-established business, managing people will always be part and parcel of being a business owner. Whether you have a team of 2 or 20, it is important to get the people […]

You are only ever one thought away from happiness

The most stressful month in the calendar for Accountants has now passed.   It is time to take stock so that it doesn’t have to be that way again in the future.   The stressed accountant   A major piece of research published in 2022 by caba, an ICAEW charity, found that more than half […]

Bring your team to Armadillo Con 2022 to empower them (and free yourself)

Does running your own accounting firm give you the freedom you hoped it would? How can you improve your team, improve your firm, and as a result improve the quality of your life? That’s what ArmadilloCon 2022 sets out to answer. On 22nd June, we’re holding an in-person event with a list of fantastic speakers […]

The best tool to help you build a successful and fulfilling business is your mind

Accountex is a fantastic opportunity to hear lots of perspectives on running your accounting firm better. To learn how to leverage technology, increase productivity, hone your systems. But how often are you considering your mental wellbeing as a system for a stronger, more powerful business?   Self care isn’t just a zeitgeisty buzzword, it’s good […]