Tag Archives: team

Investing in yourself and your people is key to your success

Like any type of investment, putting time, money, and energy into an employee’s development can be anxiety inducing: will my investment  pay off? Am I making the right decision, for me and for them?    You might even feel so overwhelmed with the daily challenges in your business that you don’t have time to worry […]

Bring your team to Armadillo Con 2022 to empower them (and free yourself)

Does running your own accounting firm give you the freedom you hoped it would? How can you improve your team, improve your firm, and as a result improve the quality of your life? That’s what ArmadilloCon 2022 sets out to answer. On 22nd June, we’re holding an in-person event with a list of fantastic speakers […]

Running an accountancy firm is hard, but you don’t have to struggle alone

Running an accountancy firm is hard. But you’re not alone. It’s particularly hard in a small firms. And it has grown harder over the past 2 years or so. Remote working has created distance between leaders and their teams; between teammates and between you, your clients and prospects.    As businesses have fought the financial […]

Employee Wellbeing: why it’s so important and how can I support it?

The subject of mental health is getting more attention than ever these days. It’s frequently mentioned in news headlines, usually within the context of how we’re not doing enough for it: not enough funding, not enough resources, not enough care. After all the events of 2020, employee wellbeing in particular has become a vital issue, […]