Tag Archives: development

How can I motivate my employees?

After speaking at the Accountingweb LIVE event in December 2021 I was asked to write a few words regarding the observations I made, about what is important to employees and how it can help employers to motivate their people by understanding Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who in 1943 published […]

Running an accountancy firm is hard, but you don’t have to struggle alone

Running an accountancy firm is hard. But you’re not alone. It’s particularly hard in a small firms. And it has grown harder over the past 2 years or so. Remote working has created distance between leaders and their teams; between teammates and between you, your clients and prospects.    As businesses have fought the financial […]

What if I invest in my employees’ development and then they leave?

Investment in employees

Investment in employees, like any type of investment (time, money, and energy) into an employee’s development can be anxiety inducing: Will my Investment in employees pay off and reduce staff turnover? Am I making the right decision, for me and for them?    You might even feel so overwhelmed with the daily challenges in your […]