Category Archives: Training

How important are Soft Skills…?

What skills do Accountants need? An article in the current ICAS magazine refers to a recent LinkedIn survey which suggests that “soft” skills are the most in-demand attributes in the job market. Good communication tops the annual list of qualities that recruiters are seeking. What are so called “soft” skills? We agree that “soft” skills […]

Offshoring – more details

In my previous blog I spoke about the difference between Offshoring versus Outsourcing. I explained that Offshoring is equivalent to hiring overseas team members with you selecting from a bigger pool of suitably qualified candidates. This is with much reduced employment risks as you are not directly the employer. In this blog I’d like to […]

Overcoming the challenge of finding and retaining staff

Is it proving a challenge to find and retain good accounting staff? Are you seeing salary costs for accounting staff rise? Are some or all of your team already working remotely? Like us you may have tried outsourcing previously, but are you familiar with the difference between Offshoring versus Outsourcing? Offshoring versus Outsourcing I confess […]

How do I free up more time in my accountancy firm?

Free up time

When you’re overwhelmed by the daily work and responsibilities of running a firm, you find yourself thinking “If I only had more hours in the day”. How do I free up more time in my accountancy firm? It’s natural to feel that way when you’re head down in the work. But it’s possible you don’t […]

How can I motivate my employees?

After speaking at the Accountingweb LIVE event in December 2021 I was asked to write a few words regarding the observations I made, about what is important to employees and how it can help employers to motivate their people by understanding Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who in 1943 published […]

Running an accountancy firm is hard, but you don’t have to struggle alone

Running an accountancy firm is hard. But you’re not alone. It’s particularly hard in a small firms. And it has grown harder over the past 2 years or so. Remote working has created distance between leaders and their teams; between teammates and between you, your clients and prospects.    As businesses have fought the financial […]

You’re invited to Armadillo Live Online

Armadillo Webinar

Join us for a 2 half day virtual event and drive your firm forward   Business development is so often left to the Partners and Directors of a firm, but with the right training and guidance, your whole team can drive your goals. We’re inviting you to Armadillo Live Online a 2 half day virtual event […]

Employee Wellbeing: why it’s so important and how can I support it?

The subject of mental health is getting more attention than ever these days. It’s frequently mentioned in news headlines, usually within the context of how we’re not doing enough for it: not enough funding, not enough resources, not enough care. After all the events of 2020, employee wellbeing in particular has become a vital issue, […]

Seven tips to have a better day

improve mental wellbeing

We could all do with some helpful tips for a better day and improve mental wellbeing as a whole. Taking care of your mental wellbeing is an important concern in everyone’s life but, too often, it gets shoved aside by other tasks on our to-do lists. There’s always another meeting to get to, another call […]

I have high staff turnover – where am I going wrong?

staff turnover in accounting firm

 You’re giving your all to your business – long hours, sleepless nights, piling your plate with more than you can handle – and one of the many components taking up your time is hiring. You’re caught in a cycle of staff turnover in your accounting firm. Interviewing, hiring, onboarding, and then starting all over again […]