Author Archives: Gordon Berry

Casting spells – why goal setting often fails

As we start a new year everyone encourages us to be goal setting. Creating targets for how we would like things to be in our businesses or careers, and that is a good thing. But that is only the first step in the process. Sadly, having set our sights on what would make us happy, […]

Employee Wellbeing: why it’s so important and how can I support it?

The subject of mental health is getting more attention than ever these days. It’s frequently mentioned in news headlines, usually within the context of how we’re not doing enough for it: not enough funding, not enough resources, not enough care. After all the events of 2020, employee wellbeing in particular has become a vital issue, […]

Seven tips to have a better day

improve mental wellbeing

We could all do with some helpful tips for a better day and improve mental wellbeing as a whole. Taking care of your mental wellbeing is an important concern in everyone’s life but, too often, it gets shoved aside by other tasks on our to-do lists. There’s always another meeting to get to, another call […]

Events aren’t over! Catch up with friends in person and drive business development at Armadillo Live

Fancy getting dressed up for a real in-person event? And when we say dressed up, we mean paying attention to more than just the desktop level half of our bodies. Imagine that!?   After this protracted period of lockdown and remote working, we wouldn’t blame you for being all zoomed out. Which is why we’re […]