Subscribe to Armadillo
When you sign up to Armadillo you become part of a network of accountants who are stretching and growing.
With the right mindset, tools, training and confidence you’ll have the freedom to choose the kind of business you want to run, based around the kind of life you want to have.
What you get when you subscribe month-on-month:
Mindset. Tools. Training. Confidence. Choices.
The success of your firm and your team depends on individual wellbeing and a unified mindset. Lead your business head up, not head down.
Provide your team with the practical tools they need, so they have the skills to do more of the work. Be able to rely on the people around you, freeing you up to think big picture.
Develop your Managers and Partners of the future, by providing a framework of knowledge, support and ‘life hacks’ to help them to make your firm as successful as possible.
We offer 4 key training programmes at an additional cost, exclusive to our members:
This is a network. We share knowledge and experience in a safe environment. We’re here to be the backup call and sounding board whenever you and your team need it.
With this monthly support you’ll have all the resources to choose:
Got questions about how the Armadillo Academy can help your firm?
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